113 Results
Paying for a Stronger Defense: A Shift in Japan’s Political Battle Lines?
Paying for a Stronger Defense: A Shift in Japan’s Political Battle Lines?
Yukichi Fukuzawa’s Outbreak Communication 2: Going beyond the “Protect Everyone” Rh...
Yukichi Fukuzawa’s Outbreak Communication 2: Going beyond the “Protect Everyone” Rh...
Why History Matters: The Art of Applying the Lessons of History to Practical Issues
Why History Matters: The Art of Applying the Lessons of History to Practical Issues
Yukichi Fukuzawa’s Outbreak Communication 1: A Lesson in Conviction and Flexibility
Yukichi Fukuzawa’s Outbreak Communication 1: A Lesson in Conviction and Flexibility
Forecasting Japanese Elections by Applying Ensemble Learning Methods
Forecasting Japanese Elections by Applying Ensemble Learning Methods
Chasing Two Hares, Suga Catches None
Chasing Two Hares, Suga Catches None
Japan’s Challenges in the Next Year Are Greater Than Its Opportunities
Japan’s Challenges in the Next Year Are Greater Than Its Opportunities
COVID-19 in the Arc of Epidemiological History: The Consequences of Imbalance
COVID-19 in the Arc of Epidemiological History: The Consequences of Imbalance
Outlook 2021: Public Opinion and Pandemic Policy
Outlook 2021: Public Opinion and Pandemic Policy
Political Economic Transition and Output Loss: Evidence from Japanese Political Eco...
Political Economic Transition and Output Loss: Evidence from Japanese Political Eco...
Time-Series Topic Analysis Using Singular Spectrum Transformation for Detecting Pol...
Time-Series Topic Analysis Using Singular Spectrum Transformation for Detecting Pol...
Why Did Abe’s Popularity Fall during the Pandemic?
Why Did Abe’s Popularity Fall during the Pandemic?
Assessing the Legacy of Abe’s Foreign Policy
Assessing the Legacy of Abe’s Foreign Policy
Outlook 2020: Testing the Limits of Abe’s “Political Business Model”
Outlook 2020: Testing the Limits of Abe’s “Political Business Model”
The Heisei Era in Review: A Political and Diplomatic Assessment
The Heisei Era in Review: A Political and Diplomatic Assessment
Japan Since the Meiji Restoration (7): Drawing a 150-Year Story Line
Japan Since the Meiji Restoration (7): Drawing a 150-Year Story Line
Japan Since the Meiji Restoration (5): Panel Discussion
Japan Since the Meiji Restoration (5): Panel Discussion
Japan Since the Meiji Restoration (6): Reconjuring the Vision of the Meiji Centenni...
Japan Since the Meiji Restoration (6): Reconjuring the Vision of the Meiji Centenni...
Japan since the Meiji Restoration (3): A Contextual Look at the Heisei Era
Japan since the Meiji Restoration (3): A Contextual Look at the Heisei Era
Japan since the Meiji Restoration (4): Meiji 150 as the End of an Era
Japan since the Meiji Restoration (4): Meiji 150 as the End of an Era

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