45 Results
Structural Changes in Industries and the Reduction of Inequality: The World after C...
Structural Changes in Industries and the Reduction of Inequality: The World after C...
Using Refundable Tax Credits to Offer Sustained Pandemic Relief
Using Refundable Tax Credits to Offer Sustained Pandemic Relief
Creating a Fair and Unified Public Pension System
Creating a Fair and Unified Public Pension System
What Constitutes a “Sensible” Coronavirus Stimulus Package? A Reality Check
What Constitutes a “Sensible” Coronavirus Stimulus Package? A Reality Check
Tax and Social Security Policies for Work-Style Reform
Tax and Social Security Policies for Work-Style Reform
Battle Lessons from a Fiscal Warrior
Battle Lessons from a Fiscal Warrior
The Employment Trap: How Initial Job Status Impacts Life Outcomes
The Employment Trap: How Initial Job Status Impacts Life Outcomes
Japanese Healthcare at a Crossroads (2): Rethinking Reimbursement for Integrated, C...
Japanese Healthcare at a Crossroads (2): Rethinking Reimbursement for Integrated, C...
Japanese Healthcare at a Crossroads (1): Toward Integrated Community Care
Japanese Healthcare at a Crossroads (1): Toward Integrated Community Care
“Silver Democracy” Likely Winner in July Election
“Silver Democracy” Likely Winner in July Election
Proposals for Streamlined, Localized Health Insurance Coverage
Proposals for Streamlined, Localized Health Insurance Coverage
Lessons from Britain’s General Practitioner System
Lessons from Britain’s General Practitioner System
Expanding Academic Advancement Opportunities
Expanding Academic Advancement Opportunities
Promoting Community-Based Primary Care
Promoting Community-Based Primary Care
Aging and Social Security in Japan
Aging and Social Security in Japan
Democracy on Trial: The Challenge of Fiscal Reform
Democracy on Trial: The Challenge of Fiscal Reform
Fiscal Forecasting for Responsible Government
Fiscal Forecasting for Responsible Government
A Rubric for Comprehensive Tax Reform
A Rubric for Comprehensive Tax Reform
Confronting the Risk of a Fiscal Meltdown
Confronting the Risk of a Fiscal Meltdown
How Regulation is Strangling the Social-Services Industry
How Regulation is Strangling the Social-Services Industry
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