The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research


The Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research


松尾 真紀子/Makiko Matsuo


Makiko Matsuo

Last updated : January 29, 2025

Project Associate Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo

Areas of Expertise
  • Governance research (global governance / risk governance / governance of science and technology)
  • ELSI (Ethical, Legal, Social Implications/Issues)
  • biotechnology, food safety

Makiko Matsuo is currently serving as project associate professor at the Graduate School of Public Policy, the University of Tokyo, where she engages in teaching and research on topics within science, technology, and innovation governance. She is also an affiliated faculty of the Institute for Future Initiatives, the University of Tokyo. She received her master of international studies from the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, the University of Tokyo, in 2005, and her doctor of philosophy in March 2016. Her areas of concern are interdisciplinary in nature and covers such analysis frameworks/approaches as ELSI (ethical, legal, social implications/issues), technology assessment, science technology policy studies, governance research (technology governance, global health governance), and risk research (risk governance, risk regulation, international harmonization). Applied fields of study are new biotechnology (genome editing and synthetic biology), food safety, and global health.

Research Program
Capacity Development of 'Connecting Personnel' for Science and Technology Innovation Policy
Reconstructing the Science and Technology Policy System(-2024)

Select Publications

  1. Yasushi Katsuma, Hideaki Shiroyama, and Makiko Matsuo (2016), “Challenges in achieving the Sustainable Development Goal on good health and well-being: Global governance as an issue for the means of implementation,” Asia-Pacific Development Journal, Vol.23, No.2.
  2. Japan Global Health Working Group (2016), Protecting human security: Proposals for the G7 Ise-Shima Summit in Japan, The Lancet, Health Policy, Volume 387, No. 10033, p2155–2162.
  3. Makiko Matsuo, Atsuo Kishimoto, Masashi Tachikawa, Masahiro Matsuura (2015), Joint Fact-Finding - Bridging the evidence gaps in decision making in Technology Assessment in Japan and Europe, António Moniz and Kumi Okuwada eds., KIT, ITAS Publishing, pp.89-100,

  1. Makiko Matsuo, Hiroshi Yoshikura (2014), “Zero in Terms of Food Policy and Risk Perception,” Food Policy, Vol.45, pp. 132-137, DOI information: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2013.08.012.
  2. Makiko Matsuo (2013), Restructuring Japanese Food Safety Governance: Institutional Changes and Future Challenges, European Food and Feed Law Review, Vol. 8 No.4 pp250-258.
  3. Makiko Matsuo, Matsuda, H. and Shiroyama, H., (2011) “Global Governance,” in Komiyama. H et al. eds, Sustainability Science: A multidisciplinary approach,1 UNU Publications, pp.220–245.
  4. Erik Millstone, Patrick van Zwanenberg, Les Levidow, Armin Spök, Hideyuki Hirakawa, Makiko Matsuo, (2008), Risk-Assessment Policies: Differences Across Jurisdictions, ESTO (European Science and Technology Observatory), EUR Number: 23259 EN, (European Commission Joint Research Centre), Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS).

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